School Administrators obviously plod through a cumbersome exercise in dealing with multiple tasks at the start of each academic year. Besides, the bulky exercise of maintaining rosters, collecting fees etc, is continued throughout the year. To make matters worse, school websites are compelled to set up student accounts in apple-pie-order. Exactly at this juncture, YeS comes in handy.
Offering a straightforward utility, Your e- School software tool acts, on one end, like a pipe that connects to your school student information system and funnels information received from your school to learning apps that set up connections on the other end. YeS! YeS is an end to end solution towards providing administrative solutions to individual schools bundled with fully operational school website.
YeS enables all member schools to send their student information to various web and mobile apps at the click of a button. YeS portal also makes anyone access primary information of member schools, which have been integrated into a single platform.